Goal setting. Intention setting. New year’s resolutions.

Have you tried goal setting and intention setting practices in the past?

My guess is you have.  Have they worked for you? Did you stick to them? What about new year resolutions?

New year's resolutions are certainly popular, yet, commonly cited statistics tell us that 91% of these resolutions fail. While I don't want to get into analyzing why this is the case, I have another question for you instead.

Is there one question that you keep asking yourself every morning?

Perhaps your answer is "not really", or "I don't know". If you are open to starting a new ritual (and yes, it is related to goal setting), I am inviting you to consider practicing asking yourself the one question I ask myself every morning. The question is:

What do I want to create today?

Before I go to bed, I also ask myself:

What did I create today?

These are simple questions, however, when you allow yourself to be more clear on your intention and prioritization, you may be surprised how you will focus your energy. 

These questions are also tied to some of my longer term questions such as

What do I want to create in the next 12 months?


What do I want to create in my life?

Do you at times feel that you are so focused on individual tasks, getting the chores off your "lists", that you tend to forget the bigger picture of where you want to be with your health, relationships, finances, and personal growth in the next year, 5 years, or 10 years?  

When was the last time you mapped out these areas of your life and committed to pursuing your vision?

While we can start goal setting and intention setting any time of the year, I myself start in January. Four years ago, I also started guiding a workshop on creating our vision, focus, and word for the year. It's been an absolute privilege to witness people's creativity and willingness to consciously co-create their lives.

What I've learnt through my own practice, and through guiding these workshops, is that when we combine the wisdom of our intellect, our non-verbal body wisdom, our emotional energy, our inner purpose and our innate creativity, we can make goal and intention setting not only much more powerful, but also more actionable.

Another lesson is that we need to keep doing this practice on a regular basis. With practice and action, we get better at it each time.

We finish the workshop with a creative expression of our intention for the year.

Learn how to harness the power of our unconscious mind and make your goal planning more powerful! Goal planning, daily awareness of what we want to create and new experiences through committed action steps allow us to create the fertile ground for achieving what we want in life.

So ask yourself, what do you want to create in your life?

With love,
